Results Filter and Sort Update

We are happy to announce that we have improved the filter and search options to help you find your ideal companion faster and easier.

Filters (top left of results page)

We have improved the height filter to give more specific height searches, and added a filter by service option to allow you to find the companions who offer the services you are looking for.

For the ladyboy filter we have also added two extra filters:

- Endowment
- Orientation

Sort (top right of results page)

We have also improved the sort function to enable you to sort your results by the following:

- Price (high) = Results in order of highest cost first
- Price (low) = results in order of lowest cost first
- Rating = results in order of highest star rating first

We value user feedback very highly and do our best to act on all common suggestions for improvement, so please don't hesitate to contact us with your feedback and suggestions

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